Deacons Ministry

The Board of Deacons is composed of church members elected by the congregation in order to serve in two particular ways. 

First, Deacons serve within the church by providing coffee and treats at coffee hour, sending cards to members, greeting at the church entrances, visiting those unable to attend church, splitting up the flower arrangement in worship and delivering flowers to brighten a day, and serving communion.

Second, Deacons serve outside the church by providing funds for the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter in the community.  Organizations currently receiving funds include: Orchards Children's Services, Forgotten Harvest, Gleaners, Baldwin Center, Fort Street Presbyterian Open Door, Lighthouse, HAVEN, Coalition on Temporary Shelter, and others.

Some Deacons funds go toward a pastoral assistance account to help members of our own congregation and nearby community who may need help paying for basic needs in a crisis situation.

In addition the Deacons collect food in the donation station, located at the south entrance of the church, for distribution to those in need.