Adult Faith Formation

Faith Formation is for Everybody!

At Everybody’s Church, we know that faith formation is a life-long process.  And we know that each stage of life and faith calls for a different kind of formative experience.  That’s why we are cultivating small groups and big events, casual gatherings and dedicated studies.  Through a variety of opportunities for study and reflection, inspiration and community-building we hope to grow together into followers of Jesus Christ dedicated to the vision of cultivating mission, inclusion, and community in our own lives and in our world.  Some online groups offer hybrid or in-person options.

Ongoing Classes and Groups

For the latest adult education opportunities, see First Things. 

Morning Readers’ Circle Third Tuesday of the month at 10am.  This book group meets each month to read and discuss current books. All are welcome. Questions? Contact Mary Gholz at  Book selections can be found in the Ongoing Ministries brochures at church. 

Sunday Readers’ Circle Second Sunday of the month at 2pm (online). This group meets each month to read and discuss current books. Book selections can be found in the Ongoing MInistries brochure at church.  All are welcome.

Mothers of Young Children meets on Sundays from 9:00-10:00am with childcare available.

Adult Fellowship

We have many groups and events for Adults. These activities are found on the Events page. 

  • Lunch and Learn is a monthly lunch gathering which usually meets on the third Thursday of the month, 11:30am - 1:00pm. Bring a sandwich and enjoy the provided beverages, dessert and fellowship. The speakers begin at Noon. Dynamic speakers will present a variety of interesting topics. Go to the EVENTS page for this month’s event. Button for PDF of schedule. 

  • Senior Adventures - We welcome all seniors ages 50+ for these fellowship events. We use the church van for transportation and drive individually or in carpools to our events. Go to the EVENTS page for more information. 

  • Other special events throughout the year can be found on the EVENTS page. 

Many special events are intergenerational.